Friday, March 9, 2007

day 10

Mom here...posting Em's pics (she's off to bed). I gave her my camera as we drove to Woodland to rescue Daddy (he'd lost his keys). I couldn't believe how many cool shots she got from Woodland to here (about 4 towns worth). I had the camera set to action mode (appropriate since we were in a moving car). She snapped so many, so fast I kept asking "Are they blurry?" She replied "no." Honestly maybe a handful were but WOW for the ones that weren't. I think she snapped at least 50 photos.
These are the ones SHE chose to post.

Golfers in Vacaville

Sun going down in Davis, Ca.

FIRST photo she took. I love it!!! Railroad tracks in Woodland.

Self portrait via mirror in car visor.
Sunset heading into Vacaville
(the "pole" is actually my car antenna and ball).


Heather said...

Great shots Emmy! I love the second pic!

Janet said...

Wonderful pictures, Emmy! I can't believe they were taken from a moving car! Way to go!!!

amy said...

These are awesome! Nice job Emmy!

Rachel said...

Wow! VERY nice!!!

~ Natalie~ said...

Great job!

Sher Johnson said...

She has her mama's creative eye!!!

Sher :)

Holly said...

Great job Emmy! You've got talent!!